A couple of years ago, I was blessed to travel with Operation Christmas Child to Zambia, Africa. I saw first hand what joy these shoebox gifts will bring to a child. They are a tangible way of showing the children that someone loves and cares for them.
A lot of the kids cannot go to school without school supplies. We always try to include paper, pencils, coloring books, crayons and some special “wow” item in our shoeboxes. We have put in dolls, stuffed animals, soccer balls, baseball gloves or articles of clothing to name a few.
Since our parents are deceased, we pack special shoeboxes in remembrance of them each year. They were always a big part of our shoebox packing.
We hope you will join our family this year in packing a shoebox for a special child.
Cindy Miller
Hayworth-Miller strives to be a positive part of this community, hoping to encourage not only our employees, but also members of this community to help others. Operation Christmas Child is an organization that is close to the hearts of those at Hayworth-Miller.